What and Why?

This blog has gone through a lot of migrations: From Movable Type to Wordpress (several version updates) to Mephisto to Webby and finally to Jekyll.

My other blog was set up using Wordpress from the beginning and moved to Jekyll recently as well.

Why did I do this? Do I hate Worpress or do I care that it’s written in PHP? Not at all. I could care less which programming language is used to serve a page even if I don’t particularliy like the language.

The main reason for the switch was really that I don’t need most of the features that Wordpress offers and I like the idea of pure static web pages (for stuff that is - at its core, well, … static). When Amazon announced its new web hosting support for S3, I noticed that I didn’t really need a VPS to run the few pages that I have and decided to cancel my VPS subscription and put everything on S3.


Wordpress to Jekyll

To migrate from Wordpress to Jekyll, I basically followed Paul Stamatiou’s How to. He does some special stuff. If you’d like to see the minimal migration, here it is:

Get your Wordpress articles:

$ wget --no-check-certificate https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/raw/master/lib/jekyll/migrators/wordpress.rb
$ ruby -r "wordpress" -e 'Jekyll::Wordpress.process("your_wordpress_db", "wp_user", "secretwp_pwd")'

If you happen to have a lot of drafts, edit the wordpress.rb file. Change the SQL from “= ‘published’” to “<> ‘published’” and change the output folder from “_posts” to “_drafts”. Then run the command again to export your drafts.

Now copy the “_posts” folder to your Jekyll folder. As recommended by the Jekyll author, you can just clone his repo, remove the copyrighted stuff and put your posts folder in. I like to have a clean git repo to start with, so also deleted the .git folder.

$ git clone https://github.com/mojombo/tpw.git
$ rm -rf .git _posts images
$ cp -r your_wordpress_dump_directory/_posts _posts

You can now try to run jekyll and see how it looks like:

$ jekyll --auto --server

And go to http://localhost:4000. Change CSS and HTML templates as necessary.

Now for the S3 part. I just added a Rakefile with the following task to my repository:

task :default => :deploy

desc "Deploy to S3"
task :deploy do
  sh "jekyll"
  sh "s3cmd sync _site/* s3://blog.hendrikvolkmer.de/"

You need to install s3cmd from s3tools for it to work. If you’re using a Mac you can use Macports:

$ sudo port install s3tools

The S3 setup is rather simple as well. Just set up a bucket with the name of your Domain (including subdomain), activate the webhosting inside the “Website configuration” tab of “Properties”

       "Principal": {
        "AWS": "*"

Change the Domain to your bucket name which is your domain name. You then have to point your DNS record of your domain to the Amazon S3 name of your bucket (e.g. blog.hendrikvolkmer.de.s3-website-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com CNAME blog.hendrikvolkmer.de).

You can then deploy your newly created static website using:

$ rake

Check out the S3 Website Hosting documentation for further information.

Webby to Jekyll

The process from webby to Jekyll straightfoward as both systems are static web page generators. You might wonder, why to migrate at all. Webby really is a static web page generator. It has support for blog posts but it feels like it is put on top and just isn’t integrated that well. Jekyll in the other hand was designed for blogs. I also like the idea of liquid templates better than plain ERB. Both Webby and Jekyll support Textile and both use YAML Front Matter.

The standard webby blog page structure can be migrated to Jekyll posts using the following command:

find content/????/*/* -name index.txt | 
while read file
  mv $file _posts/$(echo $file | sed -e 's/content\///' -e 's/\//-/g' -e 's/-index.txt/.textile/' )

Bonus: SEO tricks - or just being a good web citizen


The W3 recommends that you design your URLs in a way that they don’t change - or at least redirect to the new URL. That is generally a good idea and also has some benefits for SEO.

S3 doesn’t support redirects (as far as I know). So my solution is this: I create pages via Jekyll, copy the pages to the “old” folder structure and use the canonical tag to direct search engines to the new URL.

I use this for date URLs in blogs (e.g. /2011/3/3/foo -> /2011/03/03/foo) and for pagination (see below). Some how every blog system has a different default regarding date URLs… I once forgot to change them and now I’m stuck with both URL schemes. Murphy’s law mandates that you basically receive no incoming liks execpt directly before and after you change your URL schema, so that you have to support both forever. That’s what happened to me ;-)

I use the following code to generate the additional pages:

task :old_redirects => :generate do
  require 'fileutils'
  Dir.chdir("_site/") do 

  # Redirect 2009/2/3/foo to 2009/02/03/ by copying the destination file
  # Canonical tag takes care of the rest
  Dir.glob("200?") do |year|
    Dir.chdir(year) do
      Dir.glob("0*") do |month|
        Dir.chdir(month) do
          Dir.glob("0*") do |day|
            FileUtils.cp_r day, day.gsub("0","")
        FileUtils.cp_r month, month.gsub("0","")

In my layout I use this go generate the canonical tag:

<link rel="canonical" href="http://blog.hendrikvolkmer.de(( page.url | canonical_url ))" /> 

(Use the standard liquid curly braces instead of parentheses in your code. Apparently it is impossible to escape liquid templates). See filter implementation and reason for it below.


To paginate the index page I used this gist. Somehow pagination seems to be not that common among Jekyll users. I didn’t find that much information.

The paginator generates URLs like this “/page2/”, “/page3/” whereas my old structure was just “/2/”,”/3/” etc. To make both work I used the same idea as above (in a rake task):

# Inside Dir.chdir("_site") block
Dir.glob("page*") do |pagination|
  FileUtils.cp_r pagination, pagination.gsub("page","")

Jekyll then generates “http://blog.hendrikvolkmer.de/page2/index.html” as “page.url” which I found ugly. So I added the “canonical_url” filter by creating “_plugins/canonical.rb” with the following content:

module CanonicalFilter

  def canonical_url(arg)


Send comments to @hvolkmer

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